Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Importance of Szabo Services

I want to take a moment to contribute in writing the importance of an outlet like SzaboServices.
John Szabo had something happen in his life that impacted him profoundly and compelled him to find the truth about the events and things going on in this world. I too have had many experiences as such, but for some reason I have always been ensconced in other forms of expression to do anything about it really. Until recently.
I do a podcast called the bsfollmershow. When my first dozen shows or so, were about the broken legal system here in Washington State. Especially in the arena of family law and domestic violence. I was harassed and threatened by a coward under the alias Due to the sensitive nature of being on probation and completing certain requirements for the court, I backed off that subject. I turned my focus to more entertainment, which really turned out to be random thoughts with a female co-host I was dating at the time. It made for some entertaining moments and the show was done once a week with regularity, though that too was a phase that came and went.
I sat back and looked at what it was I wanted to do with my po dunk show. I decided to head into the realm of a subject that has always fascinated me. The paranormal/supernatural. Since I don't have the connections for great interviews, nor do I have the time to go out and research things on my own (if I really made the time I could) so I feel I exhausted that topic as well too, though I do like to integrate it into the direction I am heading with my podcast now.
This is where John R. Szabo comes in. This man is tenacious and dedicated to finding and weeding out the news content that is worth his time to bring to the sheeple's attention. I have never met John personally, but I do know from observing his postings on facebook, that this man is a bulldog when it comes to finding and composing news, videos, blogs and articles about the sad state of our corrupted government, other countries governments and the little secret that binds all these governments together. The NWO. Or maybe you have heard of the Builderberger Group, or the Illuminati. These are just a few of the more notable names this secret faction operate under. Their ties to ancient knowledge and contact with life outside our race have been primarily the focal point to which they gain their power and muscle to exert themselves on the rest of us Joe Blows.
John has been trying to get us to realize and wake up for quite sometime now that we are in some serious problems as a society. I have known of this long before meeting John, however, John has been bringing even more valuable information to my attention and it just further confirms what I have known for almost two decades.
Some may think that John is a crack pot, liar or even sh*t disturber with his posting of what some deem as conspiracy theories and paranoid presentations. I am here to disseminate that this is not the case. John is anything BUT these chastising labels. This lone laborer takes time to look for and aggregate all that is missing from our partisan and uber biased news outlets. He presents to us things we may otherwise never see for ourselves. He gives us these things so that we can learn the truth and stop being sheeple to the corporate owned news stations and learn things that we need to know. But that means we need to stop indulging ourselves in the American Idol and Dancing With The Stars programming. We need to stop giving credence to the Arnold Schwartzenegger story of infidelity or the meltdown and implosion of a reck loose and drug induced celebrity who pissed away his career. How do absorbing these things really make us better people? They don't. Point blank.
So if you want to really enrich your life or the lives of those around you, I would implore that you take some time to really open your eyes and see what it is that is going on around us. Burying our heads in the sand as to the abuse of power by very large corporations and government (yes, they are primarily one and the same) is not doing you, your children or your nation any favors. And it isn't that we need to go out hunting necessarily for this info which would take hours and days, but just go to SzaboServices and benefit from all of John's hard work aggregating the gems of news otherwise buried in the pile of BS. John also, in his many years of dealing with this, has made some very valuable offerings in the way of his own blogs and articles. I urge you to check them out.
So the next time you want to turn on the zombie box and watch a bunch of people who offer no real value to you by singing horribly or dancing for glam, change that habit with filling your head with knowledge and info that will really make you a more in tune individual.
Look for future blogs from me B. Scott Follmer - God Bless